18/12/2013 - Tous derrière Yong Sport Academy à la finale
14/12/2013 - Réunion avec les Délégués Départementaux des Transport du Nord-Ouest
19/11/2013 - Circulation de faux documents
18/11/2013 - Décès de Ardo AMADU
18/11/2013 - Séminaire sur la Gestion des Conflits
The Rural Development Programme has been put into
place within the framework of the Cameroon-European Union Cooperation.
The ambition of the project is to identify and provide long lasting
solutions to specific problems facing the populations which include :
the strengthening of the socio-economic network infrastructure, the
provision of long lasting support to the economy and the improvement of
the capacities and incomes of the decentralised local communities. The
Programme is elaborate and designed in respect of the prescriptions laid
out in the document of the strategy for growth and employment (DSGE)
adopted at the end of 2009.
The financing agreement reached
between the government of the Republic of Cameroon and the European
Commission to fund the Rural Development Programmes for the North-west
Region as well as the Rural Development Programmes for the East and
Far-North Regions was signed on May 6, 2010. The amount envisaged in the
funding agreement of the Rural Development Programme for the North-West
Region (RDP-NW) stands at 6,326,585,000 CFAF. Drawn from the 10th EDF
The main objective of the Programme is to improve the living conditions of the masses in the area of activity
specific objective is to provide long lasting solutions tothe major
problems faced by the masses such as (poor access to basic services, low
income power) at their request and with their participation, while
taking into account the socio-economic constraints of the area of
Activité n° 1 : Améliorer le niveau de vie des masses
Activité n° 2 : Améliorer les revenus des masses
Activité n° 3 : Appui aux communautés décentralisées
The Rural Development Programme for the North-West Region (RDP-NW) comprises 15 local communities distributed as follows :
The entirety of the local Communities in Momo, Donga-Mantung and Menchum divisions in the North- west Region.
Akwaya Council in Manyu division, South-west Region.
is a participative approach which demands the involvement and active
participation of the beneficiaries before, during and after the
execution of the projects, in order to guarantee their continuity. The
contribution of the beneficiaries fluctuates between 1 to 10% depending
on the type of the project involved. Membership of the beneficiaries is
concretised through a partnership agreement.
Regional Communities as well as deconcentrated local government services
take part in all the stages of implementation of the programme.
of requested assistance : Beneficiaries express and establish their
needs with the assistance of the Programme. The projects to be realised
are determined by the applications made by the beneficiaries. They are
selected based on trans parent and verifiable criteria on the field,
while taking into account the geographical distribution of the projects.
« do do » Approach : The activities are carried out by service provider
who have been absorbed by the Programme following the tender procedure
spelt out in the rules and regulations of EDF.
The taking into
account of aspects of continuity through actions geared towards the
reinforcement of organisational capacities and partners who will assume
the relay as soon as activities in the field shall have been executed.
The interventions shall take into account the ability of the
beneficiaries to execute them..
Consideration of environmental and gender issues
priority shall be given to type of activity and the degree of
vulnerability of the population. The Programme shall give priority to
activities that are environmentally friendly or activities that
guarantee the protection of the environment.
Support Unit of the National Financial Authority of EDF :
is a service representing the National Financial Authority of EDF in
charge of monitoring the evolution of the Projects funded by the EDF, as
well as their accounts and financial follow-up.
European Union Delegation
Representative of the European Union Commission :
it is in charge of amongst others, the follow-up and the technical and
financial implementation of the entire Programme ofn the Cameroon –
European Union Cooperation.
Pilot Committee : created
by decision of the National Financial Authority of EDF, it is in charge
of supervising and approving the general orientation and plan of action
of the Programme.
Operational Structure :
is responsible for the execution of the Programme which is in charge of
elaborating and ensuring of the estimate programmes ; it consists of :
Support staff
Duration of programme :
The period allocated for the execution or realisation of the agreement is 60 months which consists of three distinct phases:
Contracting Authority : The National Financial Authority of EDF, Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT).
Prime Contractor (Project Manager) : Department of General Affairs, Plan and Regional Development.
(Bali Road)
PO Box. : 652 BAMENDA
Phone : 33 36 40 33 Fax : 33 36 41 56